Congrats on being a part of the Jobvite team.

Are you ready to work hard, play hard, and succeed like super-heroes?

Before we begin...

Pancake just wanted to tell you that you're doing an amazing job so far. He knows that we hired you to have an impact, and you have from day one.   

He does have one favor to ask of you, and from his face, you can tell it's pretty serious. Will you help Jobvite hire their next super-hero?

Let's talk about how you can help and make up to $3,000 while you're at it.

Let's change the face of recruiting. Together.

Jobvite is the premiere recruiting software solution for the social web by optimizing the hiring process for the fastest-growing companies around. We consider Jobvite to be one of those fast-growing companies. We pride ourselves on hiring nothing but the best to join the Jobvite team. Here at Jobvite your team quickly becomes your family, and we want you to help grow that family.

You can help us make our next hire through employee referrals, and you can also earn some extra cash along the way. Do we have your attention? Great. Let's get started.

Would you trade 90 seconds of your life for $1,000?
We thought so...

Publisher is the easiest way to help grow your referral network. Watch this short video below to learn how to enable Publisher. Setting it up only takes 90 seconds, and you could earn $1,000 just by flipping the switch.

What are you waiting for?

Employee Referral rewards start at $1,000 per hire and can go upwards of $3,000 for Engineer and Product roles. Take a look at our current openings and earn cash referring super-heroes today!

Current Openings