Marketers should never forget who their ads are for. At GroupM, Phoebe is fostering empathy and authenticity in the relationship between brands and consumers.

Phoebe Chien

Sustainability is more than solving the problem of climate change. Advertisers have a social responsibility to use mass media as a force for good – to cultivate sustainable and authentic human connections as well.

As senior manager of solutions and innovation strategy at Xaxis, Phoebe Chien is motivated daily to help brands see consumers as human beings with real lives and histories – not simply as data points.

Getting this balance right is just as much about sustainability as reaching Net Zero in carbon emissions, she says.

It’s awesome to be part of a team that is bridging the gap between data, creatives and media using advanced technologies to develop meaningful solutions for brands and consumers

“I feel there's still a disconnect as brands focus on campaigns but seldom remember that the consumer is a person. I believe bringing these elements together will make advertising both more effective and sustainable,” she says.

Data isn’t the enemy, though, she asserts. Far from it. Data is often the key to adding that critical ingredient of empathy to the marketing mix. Xaxis – GroupM’s outcome-driven programmatic brand – actively uses data points to connect people with products and services that truly solve their problems.

“At Xaxis, we have created a powerful artificial intelligence tool called Copilot that delivers highly desired outcomes for both brands and consumers by delivering the right message to the individual at the right time and right place,” she says.

While the internet has become a fantastic channel for brands to connect with consumers, Phoebe is fully aware of the pros and cons. The online world excels at bringing people together but can also create digital silos that widen societal divisions. This can be bridged by fostering empathy.

A human-first approach is the foundation of any sustainable digital engagement. Phoebe says every piece of a brand’s content or message shared online should primarily aim to cultivate long lasting relationships rather than robotically pushing products or services.

“My passion is for people to feel connected online and forge authentic relationships with one other,” Phoebe says. “Without factoring in empathy to the campaigns, we risk missing great opportunities to create a more sustainable media ecosystem that truly benefits people.”


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